Here is the new and completely revised schedule regarding honeybee-related Fair activities, such as submitting and judging fair entries, setting up the FCBA bee booth, delivering honey for sale at the bee booth during the Fair, and dismantling the bee booth.
- Saturday, Sept. 6th from 10 AM to 2 PM: Submit honeybee-related fair entries.
- Sunday, Sept. 7th at 10 AM.: Judging honeybee-related fair entries.
- Tuesday, Sept. 9th from 4 PM to 7 PM. FCBA Booth setup. Also, members drop off honey for sale.
- Thursday, Sept. 11th, from 9 to 11 AM: Delivery and setup of the observation hive. Members can also drop off honey for sale.
- Sunday, Sept. 21st at 9 AM: Dismantle the bee booth, remove the observation hive, and retrieve unsold honey.