Guy Neal, thank you so much for hosting our 2014 candy making party. And what a party it was!!! Guy’s country property is beautiful and the weather was great. The group, made up of me, Rose, Lisa, Paula, Kit May, Jack, Dave and Guy was just right for the amount of candy we made. Thanks to John Klapac who, while out of town for the event, did provide a burner, bottled gas as well as large cookie sheets. We ended up with about 80 – 90 lbs of sugar used and enough for everyone to take home and put to good use.
Guy supplied a wonderfully cooked crock pot turkey with some venison and all the fixin’s. Lots of chips, sides, sodas and Girl Scout cookies to go around, too. It was a great day.
– Glen
P.S. We almost had some big excitement when a huge hawk tried to dive on top of one of Guy’s chickens pretty much right in front of us. I didn’t know I was such the chicken farmer I was when I started to run and yell to have the hawk fly away after it missed. 🙂
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