Frequently Asked Questions

Can I attend the meetings as a non-member?
Yes. Meetings are open to the public, so feel free to attend as a visitor. Please do consider joining. Your dues are used to help us meet our mission which is to educate the public and to encourage responsible beekeeping in Frederick County, MD. Go here to Join.

I think I have a swarm of bees! What should I do?”
Click here to visit our swarm page.

I don’t have bees but can I become a member?
You sure can. You don’t need to have bees in order to be a member. As a matter of fact, it is a great idea to become educated and to join a club to learn more about beekeeping before purchasing your first colony of bees. Click here to go to our membership page.

Does your club sell honey?
No, but here is a list of members who do sell honey and other honey bee-related products. In addition, our members sell their local honey at our club booth that is set up every year in the Home & Garden Building at the Great Frederick Fair in Frederick, MD in September.

I just bought a Flow Hive, but I am not quite sure how to take care of bees and could use some help or advice.
We are glad you asked. Setting up the Flow Hive may be fun, but actually installing your bees is when it first gets truly exciting! But the installation is just the start. There is a lot to learn and we are here to help. The Maryland State Beekeepers Association offers valuable tips to those purchasing a Flow Hive. Check it out. Perhaps the most important step is to learn, learn, and learn some more. To that end, the FCBA offers a short course for beginning beekeepers in January of each year where you will get an excellent start in what will hopefully be a long and rewarding endeavor.

Why does honey crystallize?
Honey crystallizing is a natural phenomenon by which honey turns from a liquid to a semi-solid state having a granular composition. It is characteristic of local, raw, natural honey to crystallize over time. Some types of honey will crystallize faster than others. Quite often honey crystallization is misunderstood by honey consumers. Crystallization is not due to poor quality or because of improper storage. Honey sold in large grocery stores has been heated to extremes, adulterated and over-filtered. As a result, while it might not ever crystallize, it often has lost all its “goodness.” By warming your natural honey, the crystallization will be reversed and the honey will be restored to its liquid state. By the way, many people prefer crystallized honey. It is thicker, spreads easily and even tastes the same as it did before it began to crystallize!

Do you offer classes for beginners?
Yes. We offer a class for beekeeping beginners on three Saturdays in January where you will get an excellent start in what will hopefully be a long and rewarding endeavor. Check home page top menu bar for a link to send for information when then next class nears.

Do you accept Donations”
If you would like to donate to the Frederick County Beekeeping Association (FCBA), please use this PayPal Button. Thank you!

I am a club member; do you have an extractor I can rent?

Yes. Club members are entitled to rent club extractors. Please see our extractor rental policy. You will find instructions for paying the small fee at the bottom of the policy page.