Dear Club Members,
Just wanted to send a quick note about our Field Day this past weekend. We had a great turnout of new beekeepers who said the Field Day is exactly what they needed to see. I want to thank Allen Winpigler and Dave Maloney, the only other veteran beekeepers on hand, for helping out. And a special thanks to Allen for allowing us to, once again, invade his hives to see what beekeeping is all about. We were able to go in and see eggs, larvae, capped brood, emerging brood, workers, drones, capped honey, queen cups and finally we got to see a queen. Allen even showed folks how he marks her. Nearing the end of the demonstration, Allen reached in his pocket and found a queen he placed there a couple of days ago. She was doing fine, but because she had her, he showed those in attendance how to make a split.
The weather cooperated perfectly and the food was delicious. I appreciate all that everyone did to make the day go off without a hitch.